Sprint 135 Demo will be held:
- Thursday, October 27, 2022
- 1:00 – 2:00 PM
- Join online meeting: https://uiowa.zoom.us/j/94228335758
THIS DEMO IS ONLINE ONLY via Zoom (see below)
Some of the Stories and features we’ll be demoing include:
- As a web community site visitor, I can read blog posts on a variety of content strategy topics.
- As a web community site visitor, I can see timestamps when viewing the Introduction to Layout Builder training.
- As an OSC website stakeholder, I would like to present a survey to site visitors when they are attempting to leave the site in order to gain feedback on their site experience.
- As a developer, I can see mockups for the new classrooms.uiowa.edu site so that I have a good idea of how to structure the new content type fields and references.
- Snowplow/radar script has been updated for websites using the campus-wide Google Tag Manager
- If you don’t use Sitenow, please update your snowplow tracker following this guidance:
- As a UIDS4 user, I can use the card component
- Visibility: Sr. Drupal Developer position posted at http://p.rfer.us/UIOWAJXSDhO
- Bug fixes
- admissions.uiowa.edu bug fixes
- viewbook.admissions.uiowa.edu lazy loading bug fix
- Connecting and learning
- Siteimprove Trainings
- Nov 14th - Website Governance / SEO Topic
- Siteimprove Trainings
- Recorded trainings: https://webcommunity.sites.uiowa.edu/
As always, we welcome and encourage participation and feedback. Please join us!
Join Zoom Meeting https://uiowa.zoom.us/j/94228335758
Meeting ID: 942 2833 5758
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Meeting ID: 942 2833 5758
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- Meeting ID: 939 8537 4451