Sprint 208 Demo will be held:
- Thursday, April 18, 2024
- 1:00 – 2:00 PM
- Join online meeting: https://uiowa.zoom.us/j/94228335758
THIS DEMO IS ONLINE ONLY via Zoom (see below)
Some of the Stories and features we’ll be demoing include:
- As a site owner of emergency.uiowa.edu, I would like active hawk alerts to be easily visible at the top of the front page so that visitors can quickly get Emergency information or see that there are no current emergencies.
- As a site owner of emergency.uiowa.edu, I would like to display recent hawk alerts that are no longer active on our front page.
- Setup schedule job for Emergency website Hawk Alerts tuned to Acquia Cloud Next
- Drupal 10.2 Upgrade
- Investigated incorrect media sometimes being placed in the WYSIWYG from the media library
Bug fixes
- Emergency website hawk alerts were imported with “complete” unset
- SiteNow “/people” and “Layout: grid 3x2” display issues are now fixed
- Aggregator titles no longer displaying raw HTML
As a commencement site owner…
- I can import events from Content Hub and add additional information to them
- I can display venues with a list of a events
- I can display a list of commencement programs
- I can associate a program with multiple ceremonies via the session
- Keeping Iowa’s campus community safe with emergency alert syndication to SiteNow websites
- Dave Visin and Hayley Bruce, Campus Safety
Connecting and learning
- Fundamentals of Writing for the Web - May 29, 2024 at 10:30 a.m. with Tracy Playle - Pickle Jar Communications
- *Reach out to Megan Yoder (megan-yoder@uiowa.edu) for a calendar invite
- HighEdWeb 2024 - Registration is open!
- Please reach out with additional training topics
- Recorded trainings and blog posts: https://webcommunity.sites.uiowa.edu/
As always, we welcome and encourage participation and feedback. Please join us!
Join Zoom Meeting https://uiowa.zoom.us/j/94228335758
Meeting ID: 942 2833 5758
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Meeting ID: 942 2833 5758
Find your local number: https://uiowa.zoom.us/u/aeer5gc0q8
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- Meeting ID: 939 8537 4451