When we're browsing the web, clicking on buttons or hyperlinks is something we do without thinking twice. These clicks might take us to a new page on the same site or lead us to an entirely different one. As websites grow and offer more content, hyperlinks and buttons become more common and important.
But here's a key point to consider: should your links open in a new window? In this article, we'll dive into why keeping links in the same window might be the better choice, what could go wrong if you open links in new browser window, and when it might actually make sense to do so.
What does "open in a new window" mean?
Opening content in a new window means that when users click a button or hyperlink, it can open in a new browser tab or window. This can either take them to another page on your site or direct them to a different website altogether, allowing them to explore more detailed information. You can set this option in your SiteNow settings. It is important to note that cards and button components don’t support this feature, while hyperlinked text does.

As users navigate your site, they follow a journey through various pages and content. To keep their experience smooth and straightforward, it’s best to let them decide if they want to open links in a new window. Although opening links in new windows has become common, it can be risky because it can disrupt the user's experience. By allowing users to choose whether to open links in new windows, you’re giving them more control over their browsing experience and making your site easier to use.
Why you should avoid automatically opening links in a new window
Giving users control over their browsing experience is crucial. Here’s why automatically opening links in new windows might not be the best idea:
- Accessibility issues: For users who rely on screen readers, opening links in new windows can be disorienting and hard to navigate.
- Confusing user navigation: Automatically opening new windows can disrupt a user’s flow, making it difficult to return to the previous page. On mobile devices, this issue is even more pronounced, as users might struggle to go back to where they were.
- Window overload: Having multiple open windows or tabs can create visual clutter and make it harder for users to manage their browsing.
When opening links in a new window can be helpful
While it's usually best to avoid this, there are times when opening a link in a new window can be beneficial:
- Forms and reference material: If users need additional information while filling out a form, a new window can keep the original form open for reference. In this instance, it is best to open in a new window.
- Embedded videos: For media like YouTube or Vimeo videos, a new window can improve playback and viewing quality.
By opting to keep links within the same window, you enhance the accessibility and ease of use of your Iowa website. This strategy helps users stay oriented and engaged with your content without the distraction of managing multiple tabs or windows. It simplifies their navigation and prevents potential frustration from dealing with excessive clutter. A streamlined browsing experience contributes to a more pleasant and effective interaction with your site. Ultimately, making these adjustments will foster a better user experience and encourage visitors to return.