Megan Yoder

Web Content Strategist

Authored by Megan Yoder

Knowing when to tidy up your website: Deleting or archiving content

Tuesday, April 23, 2024
Managing a website is like an adventure, with the fun of updates also bringing the task of content management. Eventually, you'll face the question: keep or remove older content? While there's no universal answer, understanding the roles of archiving and deletion can guide your decision-making process.

How to add buttons to your website: A step-by-step guide

Monday, April 22, 2024
Buttons are powerful tools that guide users to valuable information or prompt actions on your website. In this article, we'll dive into the process of adding buttons to a page. Let's walk through each method step by step.

Enhancing the use of the person block

Monday, March 18, 2024
As you start to infuse your website with content, one valuable addition is showcasing your staff or team. It can also profoundly humanize the individuals within your organization. This enables users to associate faces with names and access basic contact details, fostering better connections. Today, we'll delve into insightful tips on leveraging the person block and discerning when to opt for a local person block versus a person directory.