Megan Yoder

Web Content Strategist

Authored by Megan Yoder

Simplifying your content management with taxonomy and tagging

Monday, February 5, 2024
When managing website content, there is a lot to consider. Not only do you have the text on your pages, but you also might have numerous image files, documents, iconography, video and other content you have on your website. One of the ways that you can make managing your content easier is through taxonomy. Today, we’ll discuss how you can use taxonomy to manage your content and how you can organize your website content better.

How to use buttons effectively

Friday, February 2, 2024
Buttons can play an important role in shaping the navigation and user experience on your website. They can serve as connectors, allowing you to connect pages together and can help provide a roadmap for your users to get from one piece of content to another. Today, we'll explore three strategies to make the most of your buttons.

Navigating the move away from SiteNow v1

Tuesday, December 19, 2023
Your website has been your digital home for quite a while, and it's time for an upgrade. If your SiteNow site is still running on SiteNow v1, the looming end of Drupal 7 makes this upgrade all the more urgent. To help you smoothly transition away from Drupal 7, we've put together a handy list of six essential tips and strategies for a successful journey.