Articles from December 2023

Navigating the move away from SiteNow v1
Tuesday, December 19, 2023
Your website has been your digital home for quite a while, and it's time for an upgrade. If your SiteNow site is still running on SiteNow v1, the looming end of Drupal 7 makes this upgrade all the more urgent. To help you smoothly transition away from Drupal 7, we've put together a handy list of six essential tips and strategies for a successful journey.

Managing an effective image library
Tuesday, December 19, 2023
You’ve started laying out your pages and adding content and components. But there is something you’re website wouldn’t be complete without — your images. Ensuring a clean and effective media library not only streamlines your responsibilities but also enhances the overall user experience. Today, we’ll talk about four tips for managing an effective image media library.